Sunday, September 30, 2007

Badger Badger Badger Mushroom

Life is continuous here in Racine. So much has happened yet it doesn't necessarily seem like anything worth reporting. Talking with a good friend we decided that God is using us to understand transitioning and learning a great deal of patience in life rigiht now. I just recently read somewhere or heard, I don't remember which, that God doesn't grant us patience, He gives us things in life that make us learn patience. I found this very interesting because I had never thought about it like that. It makes sense though. Patience is an emotion like any other that you choose at some level. I'm definitely to just sit back & let God's work be done in, through, & around me.

We have started our Wednesday evening program at Emmaus and the first Wednesday was very overwhelming, but the second was a tad better. Many of the children we're working with come from home lifes that I have only heard about, but never witnessed. I could get wrapped up in the fact that their home lives may not be ideal according to societies standards, but really all I can allow myself to do is be a person of God's love when I'm with them & pray for them when I'm not. Our Thursday night programming is picking up some with mostly high school youth. There is a group of girls that are all juniors and seniors and they are VERY lively. It's exciting to go from one dynamic of young elementary age to older youth. Occasionally we get to work with elderly as well & I really enjoy that because they have so many great stories.

We have been surrounded by a great group of pastors and coordinators and people within the churches. We also have been blessed with the occasional visitor or two such as my parents coming last weekend. My teammates & I have all gotten some of our belongings and really made or started to, make our rooms our places so it's much more of our home now. We had an installation service a week ago and were gifted with pray shawls that are georgeous! God is present in everything around us, some times we need to slow down & just be & acknowledge that God is there in the small things, not only the big "aha" moments. Today Anthony & I went to Zoe Church, an African American church and it was a great experience. The congregation was very welcoming and the music was amazing & I don't know that I've ever received so many hugs in my life outside of Spoke Folk. so once again my thoughts are scattered but here they are.

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