Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday Snippits: good, bad, & awesome

GOOD: Having this last week at home to be able to spend time with Z & the furball & sleep in my own bed was MUCH appreciated. So thank you A&J for still giving me this past week off even with the slight change in my job. Just over a week ago I celebrated the marriage of my cousins O&B in hoosierland. On the way home, buzzing off of family time, I joked that I live in another country to one family member. Seriously, 6 hours or so in the car by oneself is a little too long for me. But I had safe travels & good weather & all is well. Then if you haven't read, the other day was Z's & my wedding anniversary. While our trip to Paris a few months ago was our true gift to one another, we still decided to go out for a nice meal & enjoy the afternoon in a neighboring town. I think it is safe to say that both Z & I are blown away at how fast 3 years of marriage has gone by & all that has happened in those few years. As a gift to ourselves we bought the blu-ray of the recent Lego movie & have been slowly learning to quote things other than the theme song "EVERYTHING IS AWESOME." Unikitty, pictured today, is one of my favorite characters overflowing with happiness & positivity until she just can't hold it all together anymore & she growls "Why can't people just be HAPPY!" While being happy takes work some times, it does make me happy that I say I live in another country & that country might just be where Unikitty resides too! Cloud Cuckoo Land!

BAD: The heartache that comes from a loved one finding out they have cancer & the hardships of the the unknown road ahead. This has been a year of great challenge through death & illness. And on another note, I won't be sleeping in my own bed for another two weeks as the plans go right now.

AWESOME: Knowing my family members head to Japan within the next month & others are settling into their new home in NE. AND knowing friends are coming back from a year in Malaysia is pretty great too. I don't know how soon these friends & I will be able to see each other face-to-face, but just to be back where it is more of a reality is wonderful. What makes all of this awesome is the use of things like Skype, FaceTime, & Google Hang.

WORD: Ephesians 4:11-16. Unity is only achieved through diversity & love beyond our human understanding.

coming up: 4 more weeks of camp! I'm stoked to be able to continue working at camp this summer & it's been such a great formative time in my call to ministry leadership that I'm sad to know it is temporary. So of course, except for the occasional hello, there will not be much time to post pieces of LIFE SPIRIT SPARKLE. In the mean time do not doubt that there is MUY LIFE SPIRIT SPARKLE being lived & loved & shared with the world & the world is wanting to know your LIFE SPIRIT SPARKLE too!

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