Monday, January 9, 2017

Tuesday Tea Time News!

If you haven't seen in the last day, or figured it was coming with my lack of posts, we're moving venues for blogging.

Over the last couple of months life events & technology glitches have not led to many posts.
The last technology glitch of the Blogger app simply continually shutting down when I was trying to post a new story was it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday Tea Time!

Good morning Tuesday Tea Time friends!

Amidst the busyness of life, I hope you're always finding time for tea.

I recently had a bit of a conundrum at home because I nearly ran out of caffeinated tea. I only drink one caffeinated beverage a day - true in pregnancy & even when I'm not - but I rely on that one usually in the morning. I have a plethora of caffeine free that really needs used up due to age, but that wasn't helping. I was able to scrounge up tea bags that were not my go to tea bags - but also needed used due to age - & get by before getting to the store, but it seemed like a trip to the store was not fitting in to my schedule.

And if you're like me, it's hard to buy everyday things for yourself that you know make a really easy stocking stuffers or other gift items for this time of year.

This is seriously just a tea drinker's problem. It's really not a conundrum. I made do, like we do.

May we help each other keep ourselves afloat through tea time & the holidays this season!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday Tea Time!

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Hiya Tuesday Tea Time Friends!

I really meant to rock 'n roll for every Tuesday in November, but then life happened & I didn't have a piece of art to share & so on & so on.

This past year has been incredibly unbelievable in so many ways. It really goes back further than that for Z & I, but that's not worth rehashing at this point. After going through the birthing process at such a premature stage for both myself & Kaia people (mainly medical professionals) would ask, "Are you ready to have another baby?" They weren't being pushy, they were being realistic that I (& Z) may not be mentally ready, but that our bodies would be physically doing their normal things.

When would we ever be mentally ready? Our first born, who was quite the surprise, broke our hearts in all the best ways. Kaia broke our hearts by being in my womb & making us grow in love for one another. Kaia broke our hearts the day she was born & we knew we could not force life on to her. Kaia broke our hearts in the memories & stories that we now hold so dearly. Kaia broke our hearts to be more raw, vulnerable, & giving. So much of what we do as a couple we do in honor or memory of Kaia. The reality is we would never be mentally ready for another baby & we knew it. We also felt, months ago, that the best way to honor Kaia was to make her a big sister.

We have no idea what the health of this rainbow baby will be or if it'll even prove to really be a rainbow. But we have hope, lots & lots of hope. We are filled with joy & fear all at the same time. While I found that I could barely hold the news in after finding out at such an early stage (week 4 or 5), when it actually came time to share the news I was very anxious. It wasn't worry about what people may think or say, it was the "what if" game that we so often do with ourselves. It was & is truly a relief to share the news of our rainbow baby & receive the support & prayers & silliness that comes with letting people know. It is another life & it is worth celebrating, just as we celebrate its big sister Kaia.

A lot of the last year has hurt emotionally, physically, & all around just hurt. And there will be more hurt in the future, but we have a choice to either let that bring us down or build us up & we choose to let it build us up. We look up for the rainbow.